Pre-order feature in McDonald’s app

Domiziana Luzii
5 min readJan 17, 2021

Transformation of the “Wishlist” function into “Pre-Order” allowing the user not only to browse the menu but also to see prices and pre-book his meal. The payment method and the possibility of modification and cancellation have been optimised. The QR-Code technology already widely used in the digitisation of McDonald’s has been exploited to the full.

00 Background

McDonald’s aims to appeal to families, workers and groups of young people. Their goals are to grab food on-the-go or eating in for cheap, in a friendly and fun environment.

I believe adding a pre-order feature with an updated menu will make costumers feel more relaxed by not feeling the pressure of a queue, doing better choices with less remorse and making the best from the discounts. I believe that making a faster way to order to Mc Drive as well as to kiosk will speed up the process and increase customer satisfaction.

How should the new functionality tie into the navigation of the product?

  • The feature could be developed within the “Wishlist” by proposing costs, updates menus and the possibility of creating a pre-order that will be read through a QR code;
  • It could instead be a feature detached from the “Wishlist” available directly from the menu at the bottom;
  • It could open directly with the selection of the nearest restaurant;
  • It could be suggested trough a push notification when the user is near a McDonald’s.

01 Research

To quickly learn about the users I looked for statistics and forums as it is an extremely popular service.

Through interviews and surveys I have obtained data to support this need in fact:
88% of the respondents use the self automatic kiosk while 10% use the McDrive a small percentage use the checkout with an operator.

In fact, this method is preferred because:

  • More time to choose;
  • Greater visibility of the menu;
  • It is quick;
  • Instant feedback on how much you are spending;
  • There is no pressure or queuing.

In addition, 70% of customers use the app to consult offers.

02 Analyze


- make a faster way to order by machine

- encourage more costumers to use the app

- personalize the order experience

Scenario with the app

User will now pre-select their food before interacting with a McDonald’s employee, shortening overall queues and allowing them to avoid unexpected missing meals from the menu using both the kiosk and the Mc drive.

03 Design

The company already has an established aesthetic and defined look and feel. To maintain this in my hi-fidelity prototype I will use the same UI, there is in fact already a list containing all the food they sell, it just needs to be remodelled and combined with others already present elements in other categories such as buttons and input forms.

04 Final Product

To see the final product visit my portfolio ➡️ HERE 💁‍♀️

  • Menu: The feature can be accessed from the menu bar at the bottom through the “Food” category.
  • Deals: the selection of products is presented in the same flow as the totems to maintain consistency. Also, the “Deals” filter has been added to quickly highlight offers.
  • Clicking on a product: the product sheet is displayed with a short description, allergen information which can be consulted in the top right-hand corner, the price and relative discount, the possibility of personalising it and the quantity selection. Once added to the cart, the user returns to the menu and the number of products in the cart can be seen at the bottom right.
  • Order: After viewing the order report, if this is the first order the user will be asked to enter a payment method. This will ensure that the order is paid for. If the product is not collected, the amount due will be deducted.
    You must also enter the time of collection of the order.
  • Payment: You will be asked for the method you wish to pay by choosing between digital debit or payment on the spot.
    When the order is completed a QR code is generated which you can show at the checkout or Drive In to collect your order.
  • Changes: You can also change your pick-up time and change your food choice within 20 minutes of the pick-up time.

09 Takeaway

It was fun to come up with a feature for such a large company, especially after the tremendous technological upgrade that revolutionised the customer experience for the better.
What can I say, McDonald, if you liked it, I’m here, let’s talk whenever you want!

Thank you for your time, and feel free to leave a comment!
See you to the next project!



Domiziana Luzii

UI/UX Designer, Amsterdam. Passionate about innovation and human behaviour. Visit my Portfolio here->